Friday 22 October 2010

Section 1A of the exam

13. How do you plan to use digital technology in your 3 products?
For the production of my 3 products I plan to use a variety of different digital technology to not only reach my target audience but to also illustrate the skills I have learnt during this course. During the process of making our digipak I plan to use a still camera to take a record of our work and use on my blog. I plan to also use a still camera to take photos for out actual digipak. These photos will be relevant to the image we are trying to create for out artist and will generate interest throughout our audience helping to promote her. To make the mock up of my digipak I used paint and Microsoft PowerPoint these are not the programmes i will eventually use but i found them less time consuming and easier for now. We also used Power Point to present our pitch.

To film our music video we will use a camera. We have already had a chance to use this on our lip sync tutorial and remember how to use it from last year. To edit our footage we will use Final Cut Pro we also used this to create our anamatic which shows we can use the programme for a variety of media types.

We have used all types of websites for research. Using youtube we were able to look at videos to give us ideas for our videos and look at the conventions of each genre. We then used Vimeo to look at previous student work to see what we could do and what we shouldn't do. Using the Internet is helpful because it is quick and easy to use blogging means that other students can read our work which is beneficial in many ways. It is also a big aspect in our target audiences lives and therefore out video will reach them quicker once we release it on the Internet on a site such as YouTube or Vimeo.

14. How have you used conventions from real media text in your planning?

Part of our planning process involved watching the original music video of our choosen song. We found it boring and un-imaginative and felt in didnt really convey the artist and her personality very well. We want our video to be completely different to this and have decided use a lot of editing due to our limited resources and no budget. Using Vimeo gave us an idea to what looked good and what didn't when it came to editing and showed us all the different types of edits we have access to.

To gain ideas and ensure our music video conforms to our genre we looked at lots of different videos on Youtube surrounding the genre of music. We found that a lot of the videos used big scenes in massive raves which we don't have access too. However we can follow the fast paste editing that is very popular in this genre. The videos also gave us an idea on costume and makeup which seems to be very festival-like.

Our next task is to make our digipak to do this we plan to look at another artists within the same genre and at the same place in the industry. We will look at there choosen costumes, make-up, location and extra editing to gain ideas for our own. It is very important for us to look at what will make our didgipak individual, how it will be appealing to my audience and be conventional of the artist. All this is relevent to our final musice video.

15. What have you learned about research and planning a production, compared to AS?
When looking at the comparison between the AS course and the A2 course it must be noted that this years course is much more flexible. With not all the tasks being obligatory it demands much more depth and therefore takes a lot more dedication. There is also a lot more to consider when targeting our audience this year as different genres hold different conventions therefore our research has had to be more thorough.

Unlike our AS course our blogs will be marked serperately to our final piece and exam. Therfore it require a lot more creativity to not only make it look pleasing to the eye but also to show my our wide range of skills throughout the different media types. I have tried to use different fonts, colours, a variety of photos and programmes to present my work such as 'Wordle'.

We will also be marked differently in our planning stage as this year being marked on our individual involvement moresore then last year. Every piece of planning must be documented in our blogs to show our input, skills and development throughout the tasks.

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