We filmed the shots from a variety of angles, with sarah singing the song a number of times to the camera at different angles it made it easier to edit. It took us about 20 minutes to complete the lip synching task as we found it easy to film and didn't come across any problems.
We occurred some minor problems whist editing our video as a couple of the shots wasn't filmed with the music track started from the start which meant we couldn't mark the beat of the track to the video. As all the tracks wasn't starting at the start of the clip we wasn't able to use the opening that we filmed for the video. Once this problem was resolved we found it easy to edit our video.
From the task we learnt a number of things about getting are filming and editing correct, we now know that all shots must include the track stating from the beginning. once we had finished editing the lip synch task we knew it was clear that Sarah was the perfect person to feature in our own music video.
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