Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Analysis of 3 digipaks and some of their advertising

As the genre of music for our video is fairly individual to anything that is in the commercial music market at the moment it has been hard to find digipaks from the dubstep genre of music as it is mostly found on the Internet and underground music scene. Because of this I have looked at artists who I feels style of digipak is similar to something we could look at attempting when making our own for our artist.

The front of Rhianna's is perfectly flawless which isn't very like our more edgy artist, however the main focus of the photo is her red lips which is an aspect of our video which we could take and use on our didgipak cover. This would ensure there was a connection between the video and digipak making it identifiable to the artist.
Rhianna's digipak presents her in a much more provocative and sexual way then I feel our digipak will present our artist. How ever I am using her digipak as an example because it is a good one for the way she has used certain themes throughout her video and digipak these being: the use of the colours pink and red, the use of flowers and her red lips which can be found in both the video and her digipak.
The font she uses is also the same throughout her album and is white on dark colours ensuring it stands out and is not lost within the image. On the inside we can see her 'R' which is now identifiable to her.  On the back cover she has a bar code, Web addresses for various sites, the producer and record label which we must make sure we incorporate as these are some of the main conventions of a digipak.
On her myspace Rihanna has photos which are similar to the ones found on her album; focused on her big red hair and very soft. Her red hair has become a connotation of her making it recognisiable as a convention of her.  Her album is the first thing see when we enter her myspace site encouraging everyone to buy it.
Chase & Status are a group who at first where in the same position as our artist. Their music is not commercial and there first album cover was plan yet effective. The big font and bright colours on the white background make it stand  out and eye catching too people walking past it luring in interested eyes. The name chase and status is in the normal conventional font they use as there branding making fans quickly interested. The type of font they have used is almost graffiti-like which is something we could take inspiration from to go towards our digipak. Their audience is also similar to ours in the fact that they are also a group coming from the underground scene.
On Chase & Status's website their new album is advertised offering people to pre-order it. They have now rebranded themseleves using a new font for thier name. It is still big and bold yet it seems more sophisticated and suggests how much they have grown as an artist. This will now appeal to their bigger wider audience which has grown from the smaller niche underground audience.

Lady Soverign's first album, 'Public Warning', is one of the most similar I see our digipak to be. She has incorporated the graffiti which is a link from her music video on the first track on her album. The speakers underneath her name is something else which has been brought out as an aspect of her video. Like one of our our shots she is against a brick wall grafting her name this could be a concept we use as it would link our video to our digipak. Lady Soverign is again another artist coming from the underground scene her audience is perhaps slightly different in the fact she is a grime artist but the age group I feel would be similar and therefore what works on her didgipak selling it to her audience would also work on ours.

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