Friday 21 January 2011

how did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I used a vary of media technologies when completing my media work. These varied though out the process of this course from using vimeo, youtube and google in planning to cameras and tripods at production to quark express and photoshop in post production and blogger through out. In the videos below I have talked about some of the technologies I used.

In planning I also used websites such as Da font which is a website that provides different font types. To used this I simply looked through the various fonts until I found a font I felt was appropriate for my genre. I then typed in the words I wanted and took a screen shot of this importing it after into photoshop to put on my digipak.

In post production I also used google to search up various artists similar to my own. Once I had found their actual websites using the search engine I clicked on the various links throughout the website paying attention to how they were using image, colours and different fonts to not only promote themselves but to also create a link between their videos and digipaks.

Once I had collected my footage for the video I used Final cut pro to edit it. I selected the clips I wanted to import and imported them. Placing them on the time line I decided what order I wanted them on a dragged them at them sides to make the longer or shorter.

An aspect that we did not learn last year was syncing. To do this we had to drag a music track into the timeline and then make a mark on a certain work. Taking a shot where we had filmed this word being sang we then had to make a marker on the exact point where she said it and line the two up using a bar.

To cut to the beat which I had to learn to do because this was not required of us last year inserting markers to the beat we used the razor tool to clip where we wanted the clip to cut.

We used various editing tools on on our clips changing the times, colours, contrast and lighting. To find effects we had to press the effects tool bar and for changing the colour had to go to the video filters option which gave us lots to choose from.  

In post production I used Photoshop to edit my photos and create the images for my digipak and to create my advertisement. To do this i took photos using my DCLR camera and imported them into a 12 cm by 12 cm file so that it would be the right size when I imported it into Quark express.  After importing the photos I changed the lighting and shadows using the tools.

I used other tools to create boxes and fill them with colour which is what I then put my imported writing on. I used the word tool to create the writing for the inside of my digipak.

After I had created what I wanted to go on each section of my digipak on Photoshop I used Quark express to make it look like the real thing. To do this I had to create a picture box where I wanted to import my picture and then holding command E find the file I wished to import and when I found it press open.

The only other thing I used this programme for was to create a spine where I simply did exactly what I have shown above but rotated it after.

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