Friday 21 January 2011

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The audience feedback is mainly positive with a few things we could improve on. When we showed it to our classmates here are the main points everyone made. It must be kept in mind however that not all the people in our class conform to our original target audience and although their feedback is helpful it can not be said to be exactly accurate.

The main points we got were:

  • Varied amount of camera angles - close ups are maintained which engages the audience.
  • Edited to the beat
  • Use of camera shots to the beat is experimental and well thought of
  • A good use of effects which emphasizes the genre of the song and beat - the effect that is 'fuzzy' illustrates the vibrant atmosphere created which we be in a club making it generic to the genre.
  • Make-up is effective and fits with the genre
  • The artists clothing ranges from shot to shot and their colours seem to contrast with the background.
  • Nice locations that conform to the genre of the piece
  • The repetition of the split screen of the lips is nice and links the video together
I feel all this feedback is fairly accurate; we spent a lot of time concentrating on mise en scene ensuring we had the correct clothing, make-up, accessories and locations. Looking at my final video I think that the mise-en scene is one of my best achieved aspects of the video. The hair and make up we chose are all similar to videos of the same genre we watched and changes throughout the video making it un-repetitive. This is the same with the clothing which not only fits the genre but had a bigger impact as my feedback shows colours seem to contrast with the background'. The locations we choose had fairly plain backgrounds but allowed us to position our artist at different levels and in different positions which I feel created variation throughout my video. The edits we did use on the video where all effective however when evaluating my final product myself I feel that if had more time and experience in using final cut pro some of the edits would not be so random.

This is an example of one the the edits which I felt was random. The reason being that it was a shot that had been edited placed in the middle of a sequence of un-edited shots which made it look fairly random.

Like my own opinion the class liked the grid we did of the lips which I feel was one of the main original specific ideas that we kept from the beginning to the end and was effective. One thing that deemed to be very worth wile was the amount of footage we got and the variations of angels we made sure we took the time to get. This again has ensured our video is not too repetitive even though we actually only filmed in about five locations. If we had more time I would of liked to get a couple more shots as I think by the end it could be argued that the video edges on being repetitive. 

The one main point that we were told could have been improved was:

  • The editing to the beat of the music
Because our song is quite fast pace it was at times hard to edit to the beat. It is conventional of our genre to increase the speed of editing as the song begins to speed up or slow down as the beat begins to drop. I agree with the feedback and feel that we should have taken more time in matching the editing too the speed of the beat of the song. However I feel this as well as the editing we choose use these are the only big two points that let us down. 

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